My Vegan Food Journey
My Vegan Food Journey Where did it start? Why did it start? It’s a long journey from my beginnings as a small child living in hippy communes with my Hungarian Jewish parents who ran away from It all in search of the truth. From the age of 2 my family joined a spiritual path and with it came our foray into vegetarianism. I was shown Animal liberation films and lived amongst a community of people that didn’t eat meat so it seemed totally right and natural. As I got older I noticed how hard it was to find good vegetarian food - my dream was one day to sell burgers that were just like real burgers and not with sultanas, shredded carrot, and sprout.
It can’t be that hard I thought. We just want to eat what everyone else is eating …without the meat. As the eldest of 4 children, I became an avid cook and realized how much I loved seeing people eat my food. It made me happy! I started a vegetarian market stall at Rozelle markets in Sydney… this led to cooking for local cafes and catering events… In 2015 I was reading an article on the dairy industry and was mortified with what I was reading. The dairy farms are just as bad as abattoirs and I realised in that moment I had been kind of kidding myself that I was helping animals by being vegetarian - a whole lifetime of thinking I was doing the right thing seemed like it was now not enough. My husband was in the kitchen making pizza and I yelled out to not put cheese on mine… I have never looked back, it was one of the easiest and fasted decisions I have ever made.